Sharp Thumbs - Sports Massage & Injury Therapy

Sharp Thumbs - Sports Massage & Injury Therapy

Sports Massage, Sports Rehabilitation

Quality mobile clinic providing Sports/Remedial Massage as well as treatment/therapy for musculoskeletal injuries.

Sports Rehabilitator specialising in Sports and Deep Tissue massage both for remedial purposes and general maintenance.

Providing diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for all musculoskeletal injuries.

© OpenStreetMap contributors
Sharp Thumbs - Sports Massage & Injury Therapy
Mobile Treatment from your Home
LL11 5TG

Sports Specialities

Although we treat injuries related to all sports we have particular expertise relating to the following sports.

Injury / Condition Specialities

Although we treat injuries related to all sports we have particular expertise relating to the following injuries.

What would you like?

You are being redirected to the therapist's third-party booking system.

You will be subject to their terms and conditions which may be different to those of Sif Health. We hope you get fixed soon.
